Web Form Builder


  1. Web Form Builder Tool
  2. Online Web Form Builder

PHP Form Processorscript
Although you can use mailto:your.email@email.com to send the form data by email, this is not a very reliable solution because it depends on the browser configuration which is different for each user. See also this related FAQ: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=135

However one of the great features of WYSIWYG Web Builder is that is has a built-in PHP form processor script. This implements all the basic features of a form processor like sending an email, saving it to a file on the server or even store it in a MySQL database!
Enable Use Built-in PHP form processor script and fill in all required properties.
Email address (required)
The email address where the results of the form will be send to. You can only specific one email address in this field!
Click the 'More' button to specify multiple email addresses (CC/BCC). Use commas to separate email addresses.
Subject (required)
The subject of the email message.
Message (required)
A short message that will be added to submitted data.
Success page (required)
The page that the user will be redirected to after the data has been submitted (after the 'submit' button has been pressed).
Error page (required)
The page that the user will be redirected to if an error occurred while processing the data.

Web Form Builder includes various design templates, which contain a combination of matching input elements, colors and distances. Use one of the supplied design templates or design it according to your own specifications. The design of the form can be customized to allow a. The form builder itself This is the interface that allows you to build and edit your web forms so it’s important you find a tool that’s intuitive and easy-to-use. A lot of the form builders in this article include drag-and-drop builders that allow you to create forms visually in real-time. Create Web Forms for Free. Collect new leads, process orders, register new members, receive donations, record incidents, and so much more. Create web forms for free and embed them in your website in seconds with our drag-and-drop web form builder!

Online Form Generator Software
php / Web Form Editor for Windows PC

Web Form Building made easy ...

check Create the form on your computer

check Design forms using a visual environment

check php script runs on your own website

check Private and secure - No external data processing

check Send the form data via email to your email address

check Insert the form data into a MySQL database

check Payment processing

checkEuropean Union GDPR Compliance

check No subscriptions and no recurring fees

check Unlimited form submissions

checkTest version available for download (no registration required)

Build Online Forms for Your Website without Coding

Design online contact forms, order forms and other web forms using a visual environment without any coding or knowledge of php and HTML. Add the input elements needed for your form and specify the data to be entered by the user. Just press a button and Arclab Web Form Builder creates the complete form code to process the submitted form data for you. The generated php script displays the form, sends the form data as email or inserts the data into a MySQL database.

Web Form Builder includes various design templates, which contain a combination of matching input elements, colors and distances.
Use one of the supplied design templates or design it according to your own specifications. The design of the form can be customized to allow a seamless integration into your website.
The form is completely based on HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. By using CSS in custom dialogs, the form can be customized without puzzling you.
There are no no external fonts or other external resources required.
Create the Form
on your Computer
Upload the Form
to your own Web Site
Gather the Results
in your Inbox or MySQL Database

All you have to do is to upload the form (php file) to your website and copy/paste the insertion code to the web page which should host the form.
The form can be included into almost any host page, HTML or php. It can also be used with CMS systems like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal or Typo3.

check Build online contact forms, order forms, custom forms

check Easy form wizard for email contact forms

check Create single- and multi-page web forms

check Integrate the web form into almost any website

Web form builder sql server

check Insert form in an existing HTML or php page


check Insert form in Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal or Typo3 page

check No form coding or php knowledge required

check Design templates included

check Send the web form submission using php mail()

check php mail() compatibility modes for all servers

check Send the form submission using SMTP (PEAR::Mail)

check Insert the form submission into a MySQL database table

check Send file uploads as attachments

check Insert file uploads into MySQL

check Define a sequence of tasks on form submission

check Process payments directly in the form

Web Form Builder Tool

checkSupports PayPal® Smart Payment Button payments

check Signature fields (handwritten input)

check Flexible and fully customizable layout

check Input validation

check Custom error messages

check Supports XML and CSV form data attachments

check Includes custom calender control as date picker

check Show/hide form elements based on a condition

check Includes hidden and calculation fields

check Includes logic elements

check Supports reCaptcha® v2 by Google®

check Supports Invisible Captcha by Google®

check Send custom email messages in text and/or HTML format

check Send autoresponder messages

check Supports all languages and international charsets (utf-8)

check php script runs on your own website

check Form data is processed on your website

check You retain complete control over the data

check Works with php 5.3.2++ and php 7++

check Form built on HTML5, CSS3 and javascript

check Works with all modern browsers

checkTest Arclab Web Form Builder (no registration required)

Design Web Forms using a
Visual Environment

Arclab Web Form Builder enables you to design all kind of forms, from contact forms to complex multi-page forms. It includes all types of input elements, which can be validated on user input to assist the user in filling out the form correctly and avoid invalid data. The appearance of all form elements can be customized to fit your website design.
Add a 'File Upload' form element if the user should submit documents or images. Uploaded files can be attached to the email or inserted into a database. The program also contains hidden fields and logical elements for calculations and interactive forms. Use Google's reCaptcha v2, Invisible Captcha or the built-in captcha as challenge-response test to ensure that the form was filled out by a human ... and not by a bot.

Private and Secure:
On Your Own Website

Web form builder themes

Arclab Web Form Builder is a software product for Windows PC and not an online service. You can build the web form on your local computer and run the complete form/data processing on your own website. There is no external form hosting required and it allows unlimited form submissions.
Another benefit is, that there is no subscription required and there are no monthly fees for using the software. You purchase the software once (one-time payment) and can build as many forms for your own website as you like. Professional web designers can use the 'Developer Edition' to create forms for their client's websites.

Process Payments
without Coding or Programming

With the Professional or Developer Editon of Arclab Web Form Builder you can offer payments on your website easily and without programming. Simply add a PayPal® Smart Payment Button to the form page and process the payment for your products or services directly in your form.
No installations need to be made on the server for this and you do not have to use a shop system. Everything that is required to process the payment is already contained in the php script generated by the program. All you need is a PayPal® account for your business.

Arclab Web Form Builder the online form creation software for Windows PC to create Email and MySQL forms with ease.
Build single or multi page forms on your Windows PC and upload the forms to your own web server, web space or CMS system.

Send the Form Data
as Email Message

The script generates an email out of the submitted form content after the user hits submit on the (final) form page. The form submission can be mailed to a single or multiple recipients in text and/or HTML format. Choose between auto-generated message formats or create a custom message in your own design. In addition to the message body, the form data can also be attached as an XML and CSV file.
An optional autoresponder or custom message can be sent to the person filling out the form. The web form and also the email are in utf-8 format, which supports all languages and international characters. The form results will arrive directly in your inbox after the form was submitted.

Insert the Form Data
into a MySQL Database

Online Web Form Builder

Arclab Web Form Builder allows you to define a sequence of submission tasks which will be executed on form submission. The script created by the program can not only send the form data via email, but also insert it directly into a MySQL database.
For this, only a form field (source field) has to be assigned to the respective database field (target field). In addition to text and numeric data, date/time and binary data can also be entered into the MySQL database. Simply select the data type and the program automatically generates the appropriate type and field mapping.