Onenote Uservoice


  • Note: We will be moving away from UserVoice sites on a product-by-product basis throught the 2021 calendar year.We will leverage 1st party solutions for customer feedback.
  • OneNote is a note taking app from Microsoft that makes it easy to sync your ideas, sketches and notes across all your devices! Connect to your Office 365 account with OneDrive for Business enabled to track new sections, create notes and more.
  • Introduction to OneNote. OneNote is your digital 3-ringer binder with sections and pages and easy navigation to keep you organized from anywhere. With OneNote across all your devices, you’ll never miss a flash of inspiration. Take OneNote to the next level with OneNote Class Notebook, an app that helps you set up OneNote in your class.

Update: Microsoft will be moving away from UserVoice sites on a product-by-product basis throughout the 2021 calendar year. We will leverage 1 st party solutions for customer feedback. We have partnered with UserVoice. Please add a feature into OneNote whereby, once a page has been distributed to student folders from the content. Welcome to the OneNote group! This is the place to discuss best practices, news, and the latest trends and topics related to OneNote.

We would love to hear from you. Let us know what's working well, if there's problems with our products, or if you have ideas about new functionality that would improve your experience.

Your feedback goes directly to our engineers and helps us shape the future of Office for users around the world.

Note: We will be moving away from UserVoice sites on a product-by-product basis throught the 2021 calendar year. We will leverage 1st party solutions for customer feedback. Learn more

WindowsMacOSiOSAndroidOffice for the web

The quickest route to get your comments to our developers’ ears is right from within any Office app. They read customer feedback daily.

From your Office app, go to Help > Feedback.


From your Office app, go to File > Feedback.

Feedback to tell Microsoft if you have comments or suggestions about Excel' loading='lazy'>

Use the feedback tool in the upper-right corner of your app to send feedback directly to our team.

From your Office app, select ... in the top right corner. Then, select Help & Feedback from the list.

You can give feedback directly within the app by going to the backstage view (the view you see when you first open the app that lets you open a file or create a new one), tapping your username at the top right, and selecting Settings. Once you're in the settings window, scroll down towards the bottom and select Send Feedback.

The quickest route to our developers’ ears is right from within Office for the web. And if you want, you can even tell us your email address in case they need to contact you for clarification. They read all feedback.

  • In Outlook on the web, select the question markicon at the top right and then select Feedback.

  • In any other Office web app, select Help > Feedback.


OneNote is a note taking app from Microsoft that makes it easy to sync your ideas, sketches and notes across all your devices! Connect to your Office 365 account with OneDrive for Business enabled to track new sections, create notes and more.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Logic AppsStandardAll Logic Apps regions except the following:
- Azure China regions
Power AutomateStandardAll Power Automate regions except the following:
- US Government (GCC High)
- China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
Power AppsStandardAll Power Apps regions except the following:
- US Government (GCC High)
- China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
Connector Metadata

To use this integration, you will need access to a OneNote notebook stored on OneDrive For Business. To make a connection, select Sign In. You will be prompted to provide your O365 account wih OneDrive for Business enabled, follow the remainder of the screens to create a connection.

Known Issues and Limitations

When using the connection, if you're not seeing the list of notebook you're expecting please check the account you created the connection with and try again. If you see an error while using the connector you may look up the error code for more information.

Note that this integration requires connecting with an account that has the 'UserRemoteAPIs' permission. If you see this error: 'Error: the user doesn't have permissions to access the requested resource', the account may not have the correct permissions. A SharePoint administrator can control permission levels by browsing to the site collection and opening the Site settings. Select the Site Permissions and then the Permission Level to see the permissions (such as the Use Remote Interfaces) the level contains. If a user belonging to a certain level doesn't not have the required permission, either modify the level by checking the box for the permission or create a new permission level and assign that to the user.

The connector currently does not support an explicit input parameter Page Title for the Create Page actions. This is a limitation arising from the OneNote API implementation. However, the title can be specified as a part of the Page Content in HTML by using the tags.

Notebook section.If you want to provide a custom value for the Notebook Section parameter, please specify it in the API URL format. The api url pattern:{siteCollectionsId}/sites/{SiteId}/notes/sections/{SectionId}/pagesFor more information, you can take a look at OneNote API documentation.


The following characters are not allowed in the notebook name: *':<>?/|%

You're now ready to start using this integration.

Throttling Limits

NameCallsRenewal Period
API calls per connection10060 seconds
Frequency of trigger polls11200 seconds


Create a page in Quick Notes

Create a new page in the Quick Notes section.

Create page in a section

Create new page in a specified section.

Create section in a notebook

Create section in a notebook.

Delete a page (Preview)

Delete a page.

Get page content

Get HTML page content.

Get pages for a specific section

Get pages for a specific section.

Get recent notebooks

Get recent notebooks.

Get sections in notebook

Get sections in a specific notebook.

Update page content (Preview)

Update HTML page content.

Create a page in Quick Notes

Create a new page in the Quick Notes section.


pageContent True html

Page content.



Create page in a section

Create new page in a specified section.


notebookKey True string

A key identifying the notebook. Note this is specific to the API and cannot be hand-typed.

Notebook section
sectionId True string

API URL of the section pages.

pageContent True html

Page content.



Create section in a notebook

Create section in a notebook.


notebookKey True string

A key identifying the notebook. Note this is specific to the API and cannot be hand-typed.

Name of the new section
name string

The name of the new section.


Delete a page (Preview)

Delete a page.


notebookKey True string

A key identifying the notebook. Note this is specific to the API and cannot be hand-typed.

Notebook section
sectionId True string

API URL of the section pages.

pageId True string

Unique id of the page.

Get page content

Get HTML page content.


notebookKey True string

A key identifying the notebook. Note this is specific to the API and cannot be hand-typed.

Notebook section
sectionId True string

API URL of the section pages.

pageId True string

Unique id of the page.



Get pages for a specific section


Get pages for a specific section.


notebookKey True string

A key identifying the notebook. Note this is specific to the API and cannot be hand-typed.

Notebook section
sectionId True string

API URL of the section pages.


Get recent notebooks

Onenote Uservoice

Get recent notebooks.


Get sections in notebook

Get sections in a specific notebook.


notebookKey True string

A key identifying the notebook. Note this is specific to the API and cannot be hand-typed.


value array of SectionListItem

Update page content (Preview)

Update HTML page content.


notebookKey True string

A key identifying the notebook. Note this is specific to the API and cannot be hand-typed.

Notebook section
sectionId True string

API URL of the section pages.

pageId True string

Unique id of the page.

target string

The element to update.

action string

The action to perform on the target element.

position string

The location to add the supplied content.

content html

The new content.




When a new page is created in a section

Triggers a flow when a new page is added to a section.

When a new section group is created

Triggers a flow when a new section group is added to a notebook.

When a new section is created

Triggers a flow when a new section is added to a notebook.

Uservoice For Word

When a new page is created in a section

Triggers a flow when a new page is added to a section.


notebookKey True string

A key identifying the notebook. Note this is specific to the API and cannot be hand-typed.

Notebook section
sectionId True string

API URL of the section pages.


Response for a new page.

When a new section group is created

Triggers a flow when a new section group is added to a notebook.


notebookKey True string

A key identifying the notebook. Note this is specific to the API and cannot be hand-typed.


Response for a new section group.


When a new section is created

Triggers a flow when a new section is added to a notebook.


notebookKey True string

A key identifying the notebook. Note this is specific to the API and cannot be hand-typed.


Response for a new section.




@odata.context string

The OData context.

Created by name
createdBy string

This section created by name.

createdTime date-time

This section created time.

Create section in notebook object id
id string
isDefault boolean

A flag to indication if this is the default section.

Last Modified By
lastModifiedBy string

Last modified by name.

lastModifiedTime date-time

The time this section was last modified.

Desktop client href
links.oneNoteClientUrl.href string

OneNote desktop client href.

links.oneNoteWebUrl.href string

OneNote web client href.

Section Name
name string

The name of the section.

pagesUrl string

The url of the pages.

Url to create section in notebook
self string

The url to create section in notebook group.


title string

The title of the page.

links Link

The links associated with the OneNote page.

contentUrl string

A url to the page content.

Last Modified Date
lastModifiedTime date-time

The last modified date of the page.

createdTime date-time

The date the page was created.

id string

The unique identifier of the page.


Ms Onenote Uservoice

FileName string
Key string


id string

The unique identifier of the parent notebook.

Parent Notebook Name
name string

The name of the parent notebook.

self string

A url link to the parent notebook.


The links associated with the OneNote page.

Onenote Uservoice

oneNoteClientUrl OneNoteClientUrl
oneNoteWebUrl OneNoteWebUrl


href string

A link to the notebook using the OneNote windows client.


href string

A link to the notebook using the OneNote web client.


The fields included in a section list item.

name string

The name of the section.

Section key
pagesUrl string

The key used to reference this section; also a url to the pages.

id string

Unique identifier of the section.


The fields included in a section.

createdBy string

The creator of the section.

Creation Date
createdTime date-time

The creation date and time of the section.

id string

Unique identifier of the section.

Last Modified By
lastModifiedBy string

The user who last modified the section.

lastModifiedTime date-time

The last modified date and time of the section.

Section Name
name string

The name of the section.

pagesUrl string

Url to the pages in this section.

parentNotebook ParentNotebook
self string

The url to this section.


The fields included in a section group.

createdTime date-time

The creation date and time of the section group.

createdBy string

The creator of the section group.

id string

Unique identifier of the section group.

Last modifier
lastModifiedBy string

The user who last modified the section group.

lastModifiedTime date-time

The last modification date and time of the section group.

name string

The name of the section group.

sectionsUrl string

Url of the sections within this section group.

Section Group Url
self string

The url to this section group.


Response for a new section.

value array of SectionResponse

An array of objects, each representing a specific section.



Response for a new section group.

value array of SectionGroupResponse

An array of objects, each representing a specific section group.


Response for a new page.

value array of Page

An array of objects, each representing a specific page.


Uservoice Onenote Ios

@odata.context string

The OData context.

Pages in section value object
value array of object


value.contentUrl string

The content url.

Created by app id
value.createdByAppId string

The created by app id.

value.createdTime date-time

The created time for this response.

Unique identifier for response string

The unique identifier for this response.

value.lastModifiedTime date-time

The last modified time for this object.

OneNote desktop client href
value.links.oneNoteClientUrl.href string

OneNote desktop client href.

value.links.oneNoteWebUrl.href string

OneNote web client href.

Parent section unique identifier string

The unique identifier for this object parent section. string
Pages in Section parent section
value.parentSection.self string

The url to the pages in section parent section.

value.parentSection@odata.context string

Parent Section OData context.

Pages In Section group
value.self string

The url to the Pages In Section group.

value.title string

Page title.

Onenote Sticky Notes Mac


This is the basic data type 'string'.