Firefox Onlyfans Downloader



  1. How To Download Videos From Onlyfans Firefox
  2. Download Onlyfans Videos Edge
  3. Downloader For Onlyfans Firefox
  4. Onlyfans Downloader Extension
  5. Firefox Onlyfans Downloader Latest

Add Widgets To Your Wordpress Website:Download Elementor here: Video Downloader Prime is an addon, that helps you quickly download popular video formats right from your browser's toolbar-panel window. Note: Video Downloader Prime is NOT working for the YouTube website or any other YouTube videos embedded in other websites due to Google and YouTube policies and restrictions.

  • 2 Download content from the extension page
  • 3 Install extension manually before it's published

1 Download content directly from OnlyFans page

The extension allows you to download content from two possible places: directly from the OnlyFans site or by a popup window that opens up when you click on the extension icon. Here we’ll cover the first case.

While navigating in OnlyFans, below each post you will be able to see the following buttons:

Here’s a summary of each button’s action:

Button textAction
Xtract photoDownloads the photo to your PC
Xtract videoDownloads the video to your PC
Xtract ALLDownload all photos and videos from the current post to your pc
Xtract linksCopy the links to download the photos and videos to your clipboard

2 Download content from the extension page

To enable this option, you have to click on the extension button that is displayed in your browser’s bar:


You HAVE TO click on this button while being on a tab where OnlyFans is open. Otherwise you'll get a message saying so..

The following window will pop up:

As you can see, it prompts you to select a user. When you click that message, a list with all your subscriptions will be displayed:

2.1 Extension page layout

Mac game free download. If you select any of your susbcriptions (see 2.1), you will get the following info from the user:

  • Section 1: Creator’s profile picture
  • Section 2: Creator’s Name
  • Section 3: Creator’s user handle
  • Section 4: Button to reload user list (use it when outdated info is being displayed)
  • Section 5: Creator’s basic info:
    • Joined: Date the creator joined instagram
    • Posts: Number of posts
    • Photos: Number of photos posted
    • Videos: Number of videos posted
    • Audios: Number of audios posted
    • Archived: Number of posts the user has archived
    • Has stories: Indicates wether this creator has stories or not
  • Section 6: Toggle between posts, chats and stories
  • Section 7: Selection parameters (self explanatory)
  • Section 8: When you hit the search button (magnifier glass), the content that meets the search criteria will be displayed in this table

2.1 Posts tab

While being in the posts tab, you will be able to retrieve the selected creator’s posts that contain multimedia.

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Posts that only contain text, but no photo/video/audio will not be displayed. The extension's main purpose is to download multimedia, not browse OnlyFans posts. Also, posts contaning locked media (media you have to purchase to see, but you haven't purchased yet) will not be displayed either. Once you purchase locked media, then you will be able to download it using this extension

First you have to select wether you want to select regular posts (posts you usually see when yo go to the creator’s page in OnlyFans) or archived posts (posts the creator removed from the main feed but are still accessible from the archived section in OnlyFans).

Then indicate if you want to get: Posts in custom date range, posts since yesterday, posts since last week (7 days back until today) or all the posts since the creator joined OnlyFans.If you selected posts in custom date range, then you will have to provide the “date from” and “date to” (default = today) that will be used to search for posts. For all other options, “date from” and “date to” are automatically filled.

Finally hit the search button (magnifying glass) and see the magic happen!

Depending on the number of posts the user has according to the selection criteria you entered, the main table will be filled like this:

As you can see, the table displays the thumbnail of the multimedia, duration (only in the case of videos), media type, publish date and post text (if any).

Above the table the following controls are enabled:

  • Pictures: Select/unselect all pictures from the table
  • Videos: Select/unselect all videos from the table
  • Xtract selected: Download the selected multimedia to your hard drive
  • Xtract links: Copy the links to the selected multimedia to the clipboard
  • Multimedia found: Indicates the number of photos, videos and audios being displayed in the table

2.2 Chats tab

While being in the chats tab, you will be able to retrieve the multimedia the creator has sent you via direct message.


Only viewable multimedia will be displayed. Those multimedia messages the creator sends for you to purchase, but you havent's purchased yet will not be shown.

First you have to indicate if you want to get chat multimedia in custom date range or all the posts since the creator joined OnlyFans.If you selected custom date range, then you will have to provide the “date from” and “date to” (default = today) that will be used in the search.

Finally hit the search button (magnifying glass) and see the magic happen!

Depending on the number of posts the user has according to the selection criteria you entered, the main table will be filled like this:

As you can see, the table displays the thumbnail of the multimedia, duration (only in the case of videos), media type, publish date and chat text (if any).

Above the table the following controls are enabled:

  • Pictures: Select/unselect all pictures from the table
  • Videos: Select/unselect all videos from the table
  • Xtract selected: Download the selected multimedia to your hard drive
  • Xtract links: Copy the links to the selected multimedia to the clipboard
  • Multimedia found: Indicates the number of photos, videos and audios being displayed in the table

2.3 Stories tab

While being in the stories tab, you will be able to retrieve the selected creator’s stories (if any).

In this case you don’t have to input any selection criteria, just click the search button and the stories will be displayed in the table below.

If the creator has posted stories, the main table will be filled like this: Game for macbook air download online.


As you can see, the table displays the thumbnail of the multimedia, duration (only in the case of videos), media type, and publish date.

Above the table the following controls are enabled:

  • Pictures: Select/unselect all pictures from the table
  • Videos: Select/unselect all videos from the table
  • Xtract selected: Download the selected multimedia to your hard drive
  • Xtract links: Copy the links to the selected multimedia to the clipboard
  • Multimedia found: Indicates the number of photos, videos and audios being displayed in the table

2.4 My purchases

This tab is located at the top of the extension window, next to the “Home” tab.

Once you’re there, you will be able to search for all the content you have ever purchased from any creator, wether you are currently subscribed or not.

How To Download Videos From Onlyfans Firefox

You don’t have to specify any search criteria, just press the search button!

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If you have ever purchased content from any creator, the main table will be filled like this:

As you can see, the table displays the thumbnail of the multimedia, duration (only in the case of videos), media type, publish date and text (if any).

Ms office free download mac. Above the table the following controls are enabled:

  • Pictures: Select/unselect all pictures from the table
  • Videos: Select/unselect all videos from the table
  • Xtract selected: Download the selected multimedia to your hard drive
  • Xtract links: Copy the links to the selected multimedia to the clipboard
  • Multimedia found: Indicates the number of photos, videos and audios being displayed in the table

3 Install extension manually before it’s published

Sometimes I’ll come up with a new version of the app that fixes some bugs or introduce new features. Well, Chrome and Firefox stores sometimes take a long time to review the new version before allowing it to be published (especially Chrome). That’s why I give you the option to download the new version from this site and install it manually until it’s officially available in the stores. (You may go to the downloads section to find the latest version).

Downloader For Onlyfans Firefox

The steps to add an extension manually differs for each browser. Please go to the tutorial section corresponding to the browser where you want to install it.

3.1 Manual installation steps for Google Chrome

Onlyfans Downloader Extension

For google chrome, the installation process is rather easy:

  • Download the latest version for Google Chrome from the downloads section.
  • Type the following in Chrome’s address bar: chrome://extensions/ and enable “developer options”:
  • Finally just drag and drop the zip you downloaded from the downloads section to chrome://extensions/:
  • The extension will appear on the list. When a new version is available in Chrome store, just delete it manually and install from the store.

3.2 Manual installation steps for Mozilla Firefox

Manual installation for firefox the process is a little more tedious, however, firefox is faster at reviewing extensions for publishing, so hopefully you won’t be needing to install manually.

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Manually installed extensions into firefox are removed when you restart your browser, so, you'll have to follow this procedure with each restart.


  • Download the latest version for Mozilla Firefox from the downloads section.
  • Unzip the file to a folder of your choosing.
  • Type the following in Firefox’s address bar: chrome://extensions/ and enable “developer options”: about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox and then click on “Load Temporary Add-on”:
  • An “Open File” window will popup. You have to go to the folder where you unzipped OnlyFans Xtractor and select manifest.json file:
  • The extension will appear on the list. When a new version is available in Firefox store, just delete it manually (or restart your browser) and install from the store.

DownThemAll! 3.0.6 was released. It is a maintenance release to the new DownThemAll! 3.

The file has a SHA-1 hash of
170928c49801cbe6400eac18529b4653e154fb72 and is signed by mozilla.


DownThemAll! 3.0.6 is compatible with

  • Firefox
    45 – 50.*
  • Seamonkey
    2.40 – 2.47.* (limited support for the development versions, limited functionality)


  • The bleeding edge applications (such as Nightly) are not thoroughly tested by us

Major new features

  • Firefox e10s (multi-process) compatibility
  • Asynchronous Input/Output (mostly)
  • Custom file names and file renaming during and after downloads
  • Advanced queue searching/filtering/sorting, incl by size, status, name, etc.
  • Metalink4 (RFC) support incl http headers
  • Finer grained queue management functions
  • HiDPI (Retina) icons
  • Improved user interface incl full Australis support
  • Some new customizable preferences
  • Better support for third-party tools such as AntiContainer
  • Many tiny improvements and refinements
  • Some speed improvements
  • Better handling of “aggressively” configured cloudflared servers
  • Restartless add-on and corresponding new code architecture
  • Some new very advanced power user preferences, e.g. DTA only proxy (available via about:config only)

Changed from 3.0.5

  • 3.0.6: Added now finished es-ES, fr, zh-TW locales
  • 3.0.6: Fixed a bug where on certain, few websites DownThemAll! would not found any links although it should have
  • 3.0.6: Fixed a bug where the DownThemAll! integration would not show up in the SaveAs window, usually the first time it got shown.
  • 3.0.6: Fixed the *flatsubdirs* mask add a “-” in the beginning (Windows only)
  • 3.0.6: Fixed an issue where for some users the automatic-renaming on naming conflicts did not always work
  • 3.0.6: Save Form works again
  • 3.0.6: Firefox 50 and later: If there are unresumable downloads while there is also a DTA update, DTA will tell Firefox to postpone the update via their new mechanism.

Thank you…

…for trying this new major release.

Please, as always, file any bugs with our bug tracker.
And if you like this piece of software then please consider making a donation to support developing DownThemAll! in our free time.

Your DownThemAll! developers