

MacEnizer 1.0.0 for MacOS Giveaway

Cleaning & maintaining your Mac was never so easy!
MacEnizer is a comprehensive set of 15 cleaning, optimization, and privacy utilities. Equipped with One Touch Cleaning & Cleanup Scheduling, this software is aimed at automating the optimization process. This software provides features like file shredding, mail cleanup, duplicate & large file removal and a lot more. It is an outcome of diligent research by experts to provide solutions to the issues faced by a Mac user on a daily basis. Being the best in its class and a user friendly Mac cleaner, this is the answer to a lot of maintenance issues.
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This extends to MacEnizer, which is classified as an unwanted application. Once installed, MacEnizer and similar software, often require payment for activation (despite activation, they often turn out to be nonfunctional). There are thousands of PUAs available, most of which share certain similarities. MacEnizer is a collection of 15 effective utilities to achieve a 360 degree Mac Optimization. Designed to support macOS 10.10 & above, the Easy Interface of MacEnizer helps even Naive Users optimize their Mac. MacEnizer is the one of the best Mac cleaning utility to help you automatically clean your mac. Loaded with Basic as well as premium features. MacEnizer boosts the performance of your Mac by removing unwanted data and apps! With an easy to understand interface, MacEnizer helps even naive users clean their Mac like a professional!

Mackenzie gladly appreciate your response to my email in respect to my donation of $980,000.00 to you and your amazing family. I really did not expect a response from you especially due to the rapid scam on the internet and news of people loosing their money and homes to fraudsters over the internet with false promises and letters of lottery winnings.

How to remove 'lp.speedyutils[.]live' from Mac computers

What is 'lp.speedyutils[.]live'?

lp.speedyutils[.]live is a scam site that promotes the MacEnizer application. It claims that the user's operating system might be infected. Note that these sites should never be trusted. The same extents to the software endorsed by them. Furthermore, apps advertised on scam websites are often rogue. Most visitors to lp.performanceyutils[.]live access it unintentionally - they are redirected by intrusive advertisements or by PUAs (potentially unwanted applications). Note that PUAs do not need express user permission to infiltrate devices.

lp.performanceyutils[.]live firstly display a pop-up window that requests immediate action, as the user's Mac OS is allegedly infected. The background page lists the user's information to give the impression of legitimacy. It also states that the system might be infected, and without proper actions taken, system files could be damaged and internet browsers, affected. The web page then gives instructions about how to remove the 'detected threats'. It advertises the MacEnizer app, which is supposedly capable of dealing with these false infections. If the instructions are followed, users end up downloading maccleaner.pkg, a file known to proliferate PUAs. Downloading and installing maccleaner.pkg is not advised, since any apps it installs are likely to be rogue and/or and nonoperational. This extends to MacEnizer, which is classified as an unwanted application. Once installed, MacEnizer and similar software, often require payment for activation (despite activation, they often turn out to be nonfunctional).

There are thousands of PUAs available, most of which share certain similarities. Developers of these rogue applications invest time and effort into making their products seem legitimate. PUAs usually offer many useful features, encouraging users to install them onto their devices. In most cases, however, the 'features' do not work as promised (if at all). The only purpose of PUAs is to generate revenue for the developers, whilst regular users receive no value. PUAs cause redirects to various sale-based, untrustworthy, scam and malicious websites. They also run intrusive advertisement campaigns (pop-ups, banners, coupons, surveys, and similar). Some can even track data. By monitoring users' browsing activity, they gather personal information (IP addresses, geolocations, and personal details). This private data is then shared with third parties and can end up being used for criminal purposes. In summary, PUAs can cause browser and system infiltration/infections and lead to severe privacy issues (including identity theft). To ensure device and user safety, remove all suspicious applications and browser extensions/plug-ins immediately.

Threat Summary: pop-up
Threat TypeMac malware, Mac virus.
Serving IP Address69.162.126.230
Promoted Unwanted ApplicationMacEnizer
SymptomsYour Mac becomes slower than normal, you see unwanted pop-up ads, you are redirected to dubious websites.
Distribution methodsDeceptive pop-up ads, free software installers (bundling), fake flash player installers, torrent file downloads.
DamageInternet browser tracking (potential privacy issues), display of unwanted ads, redirects to dubious websites, loss of private information.
Malware Removal (Mac)

To eliminate possible malware infections, scan your Mac with legitimate antivirus software. Our security researchers recommend using Combo Cleaner.
▼ Download Combo Cleaner for Mac
To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited three days free trial available.,, and are just some examples of websites similar to lp.performanceyutils[.]live. Typically, scam sites are used to promote specific software. Users are tricked into downloading/installing them through fake warnings, alarms, and alerts, claiming to have 'detected' various threats or vulnerabilities. The applications advertised by these websites are often fake and useless.

How did potentially unwanted applications install on my computer?

Macenizer Scam

Some PUAs have official websites on which they are often promoted as 'free' software. Unwanted applications are also proliferated through download/installation set-ups. The term 'bundling' is used to describe this deceptive marketing method. Users who rush through the download/installation processes (e.g. by ignoring terms, skipping steps, using pre-set options, etc.) endanger their systems with potential infiltration and infections. Intrusive advertisements also proliferate unwanted content. When clicked, these ads can execute scripts designed to download/install PUAs.

How to avoid installation of potentially unwanted applications

Use only official and verified channels to download programs. Using Peer-to-Peer sharing networks and third party downloaders is not advised, as they are usually untrustworthy and more likely to offer bundled software. When downloading/installing, read terms and explore possible options. Use 'Custom/Advanced' settings to opt-out of/decline installation/download of supplementary apps and tools. Intrusive advertisements usually seem legitimate and harmless, however, they redirect to dubious sites (e.g. pornography, adult-dating, gambling, and similar). If you encounter these ads/redirects, remove all dubious applications and/or browser extensions/plug-ins. If your computer is already infected with PUAs, we recommend running a scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus for macOS to automatically eliminate them.

Text in the pop-up window:


You Mac OS might be infected.

Press OK to begin the repair process.

Screenshot of the background page:

Text in this page:

Your Mac Might Be Infected!
OS version: OS High Sierra
Country: Republic of Lithuania
IP Address:
Attention:Your Mac might be infected by the latest viruses. If you do not remove them, they
may damage your system files and slow down your internet browsing speed.
Step 1:
Click on the button below to download now and install MacEnizer
Step 2:
Run MacEnizer and remove all potential viruses immediately.
Download Now down_arrow
NO Adware, Spyware or Malware

Appearance of 'lp.speedyutils[.]live' scam (GIF):

Screenshot of MacEnizer installation setup:

Screenshot of MacEnizer unwanted application:

Instant automatic Mac malware removal:Manual threat removal might be a lengthy and complicated process that requires advanced computer skills. Combo Cleaner is a professional automatic malware removal tool that is recommended to get rid of Mac malware. Download it by clicking the button below:
▼ DOWNLOAD Combo Cleaner for MacBy downloading any software listed on this website you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited three days free trial available.

Quick menu:

  • STEP 1. Remove PUA related files and folders from OSX.
  • STEP 2. Remove rogue extensions from Safari.
  • STEP 3. Remove rogue add-ons from Google Chrome.
  • STEP 4. Remove potentially unwanted plug-ins from Mozilla Firefox.

Video showing how to remove unwanted applications promoted via lp.speedutils[.]live website using Combo Cleaner:

Potentially unwanted applications removal:

Remove potentially unwanted applications from your 'Applications' folder:

Click the Finder icon. In the Finder window, select 'Applications'. In the applications folder, look for 'MPlayerX','NicePlayer', or other suspicious applications and drag them to the Trash. After removing the potentially unwanted application(s) that cause online ads, scan your Mac for any remaining unwanted components.

Combo Cleaner checks if your computer is infected with malware. To use full-featured product, you have to purchase a license for Combo Cleaner. Limited three days free trial available.


Remove pop-up related files and folders:

Click the Finder icon, from the menu bar. Choose Go, and click Go to Folder...

Check for adware-generated files in the /Library/LaunchAgents folder:

In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/LaunchAgents

In the “LaunchAgents” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious files and move them to the Trash. Examples of files generated by adware - “installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, “kuklorest.update.plist”, etc. Adware commonly installs several files with the same string.

Check for adware generated files in the /Library/Application Support folder:

In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/Application Support

In the “Application Support” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious folders. For example, “MplayerX” or “NicePlayer”, and move these folders to the Trash.

Check for adware-generated files in the ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder:

In the Go to Folder bar, type: ~/Library/LaunchAgents

In the “LaunchAgents” folder, look for any recently-added suspicious files and move them to the Trash. Examples of files generated by adware - “installmac.AppRemoval.plist”, “”, “mykotlerino.ltvbit.plist”, “kuklorest.update.plist”, etc. Adware commonly installs several files with the same string.

Check for adware-generated files in the /Library/LaunchDaemons folder:

Macenizer scam

In the Go to Folder... bar, type: /Library/LaunchDaemons

In the “LaunchDaemons” folder, look for recently-added suspicious files. For example “”, “”, '”, “com.avickUpd.plist”, etc., and move them to the Trash.

Scan your Mac with Combo Cleaner:

What Is Macenizer

If you have followed all the steps in the correct order you Mac should be clean of infections. To be sure your system is not infected run a scan with Combo Cleaner Antivirus. Download it HERE. After downloading the file double click combocleaner.dmg installer, in the opened window drag and drop Combo Cleaner icon on top of the Applications icon. Now open your launchpad and click on the Combo Cleaner icon. Wait until Combo Cleaner updates it's virus definition database and click 'Start Combo Scan' button.

Combo Cleaner will scan your Mac for malware infections. If the antivirus scan displays 'no threats found' - this means that you can continue with the removal guide, otherwise it's recommended to remove any found infections before continuing.

After removing files and folders generated by the adware, continue to remove rogue extensions from your Internet browsers. pop-up removal from Internet browsers:

Remove malicious extensions from Safari:

Remove pop-up related Safari extensions:

Open Safari browser, from the menu bar, select 'Safari' and click 'Preferences...'.

In the preferences window, select 'Extensions' and look for any recently-installed suspicious extensions. When located, click the 'Uninstall' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Safari browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.

  • If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Safari.

Macenizer Free

Remove malicious plug-ins from Mozilla Firefox:

Remove pop-up related Mozilla Firefox add-ons:

Open your Mozilla Firefox browser. At the top right corner of the screen, click the 'Open Menu' (three horizontal lines) button. From the opened menu, choose 'Add-ons'.

Choose the 'Extensions' tab and look for any recently-installed suspicious add-ons. When located, click the 'Remove' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Mozilla Firefox browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.

  • If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Mozilla Firefox.

Remove malicious extensions from Google Chrome:

Remove pop-up related Google Chrome add-ons:

Open Google Chrome and click the 'Chrome menu' (three horizontal lines) button located in the top-right corner of the browser window. From the drop-down menu, choose 'More Tools' and select 'Extensions'.

In the 'Extensions' window, look for any recently-installed suspicious add-ons. When located, click the 'Trash' button next to it/them. Note that you can safely uninstall all extensions from your Google Chrome browser - none are crucial for normal browser operation.

  • If you continue to have problems with browser redirects and unwanted advertisements - Reset Google Chrome.