Elementor Scrolling Effect


Parallax effect is a trendy feature that is widely applied by WordPress themes users. In short, Parallax is a kind of 2D animation when the background moves slower than the forefront which gives your visitors an illusion of depth on the page. Of course, the popularity of this scrolling effect has been caused by a whole lot of benefits.

The new Scroll Image widget for Elementor allows you to add impressive image scrolling effects to your website using Elementor. With the Scroll Image widget, you can add images on your website which scrolls when the user hovers over the image. You get two different effects, hover and mouseover. You can even select the direction of the animation. Creating Scrolling Screenshot Preview Effect in Elementor. (Note: Failing to do so will not be possible for scrolling preview to take effect). As we mentioned, scrolling effect is one of the Elementor Pro features. In other words, you need to use Elementor Pro to use the feature. In this example, we will show you how to apply a Horizontal Scroll effect. As the name suggests, this effect will make an object to have a vertical movement when the mouse is scrolling.

Elementor Scrolling Effects

  • Hi,

    When installed with elementor plugin, the scrolling effects doesn’t work well. Please check the issue in this video.

    The “About” and “Blog” has the ID from elementor page builder. The “Contact” has the ID coded in HTML.

    It works well with “Contact” but not with others.

    Can it be fixed?

Elementor Scrolling Effect Plugin

  • Help me please!
    The problem is that two menu items are highlighted at once. It is necessary to highlight only one of them while scrolling through the page
    how to fix: http://prntscr.com/kmi40s
    site: http://makaroni.design-time.com.ua/
    I use: Elementor Pro, oceanwp, Page scroll to id

    Is there still no option to turn off the elementor-enabled smooth scroll?

    I don’t have elementor on all my pages and prefer to code my own smooth scrolling, so I would love to permanently turn off Elementor smooth scrolling.

    This seems to be plugin specific advice for “page scroll to id” plugin. I am not using this plugin.

    I just want a settings option inside Elementor to disable Elementors smooth scroll to id.

  • The topic ‘Scroll effects conflicts with Elementor scrolling’ is closed to new replies.