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ID & Alias

If you need more information, click here and find a more detailed, technical description to set up AnyDesk Subscribe to our Newsletter Enter your email address to get updates on AnyDesk. The latest version is installed in win10. Under task manager processes, I can see 2 background anydesk services, they're configured with unattended access. Once every few days, I can't connect to anydesk until I go to apps - anydesk and open the app by physically being in front of the PC.

Choosing the Alias via context menu by right-clicking the ID.

Each AnyDesk has a unique numerical ID to identify in the AnyDesk network. A readable Alias can be assigned to that ID. Both represent an address to the device.

Note: An Alias is structured by name and namespace: name@namespace' E.g. computer@ad. The public namespace is '@ad' referring to AnyDesk. All Users with a free license have to use this namespace. Free Users with AnyDesk portable (not installed), only have an ID. No Alias can be assigned.

The allowed characters are: numbers 0-9, letters a-z, A-Z, and symbols: minus(-), dot(.), and underscore(_). All other characters are forbidden and regarded as invalid.

Individual Namespaces

Customers with a Professional or Power License have the option to additionally acquire their own individual namespace (you@yourcompany). This allows for the ability to change the aliases that are registered to this namespace without any limit.
Also, you can use your namespace when setting up your client’s Access Control List.
In order to purchase your own namespace, please reach out to our Sales Team or upgrade your license by yourself on MyAnyDesk Portal by clicking the 'Upgrade!' button.


Specify Alias by name and namespace. (free-users choose @ad)

Anydesk App

Assign or Change the Alias

Free license: Users with a free-license set the alias once. The alias will be bound to the corresponding ID and cannot be altered or reassigned.


Lite / Professional / Power license with a public namespace (you@ad): Users can change a chosen alias up to three times on [], always depending on whether this public alias is not yet taken by any other user in the AnyDesk network. The alias can be changed but not reassigned.

Professional / Power license with an individual namespace (you@yourcompany): Users can change or reassign the alias for all clients on [] without limit.

Enterprise: With an individual or public namespace (you@yourcompany or you@ad) users can change or reassign the alias for all clients on []. They are not limited in how often they change it or which aliases to choose, even with the public namespace, as they are working within their own private network.

For all licenses: ID and alias are stored in the configuration file service.conf.If the configuration files get lost by any means, the ID and Alias will be lost. If the configuration file is not manually restored, this action cannot be undone. (See 'Backup & Restore Settings and ID' below.)

Backup & Restore Settings and ID

Warning: If the configuration files get lost by any means, the ID and Alias will be lost.If the configuration file is not manually restored, this action cannot be undone.

Some cases require you to backup the ID. In case you have a new device to use AnyDesk with, copy the configuration files in order to use the ID on the new system. The directory of the configuration files depends on whether you have installed AnyDesk or run it portable. The ID is stored in the service.conf.Uninstallation will not touch or delete your ID or configuration files, except explicitly requested in the uninstallation menu.

To backup your identity, save the service.conf' in a secure location. This enables you to retrieve your Identity in case of data loss. To secure settings and recent session list with it, copy the entire folder:

Windows 7 and laterPortable:%appdata%AnyDesk
Windows XP/Server 2003Portable:%appdata%AnyDesk
macOSlocal user:~/.anydesk/service.conf
service (default):/etc/anydesk/service.conf
Linuxlocal user:~/.anydesk/service.conf
service (default):/etc/anydesk/service.conf
Before Android 7.0 and AnyDesk 5.3.4Default:root/data/data/com.anydesk.anydeskandroid/files/.anydesk/service.conf
Since Android 7.0 and AnyDesk 5.3.4Credential encrypted storage (CE):root/data/user/0/com.anydesk.anydeskandroid/files/.anydesk/service.conf
Device encrypted storage (DE):root/data/user_de/0/com.anydesk.anydeskandroid/files/.anydesk/service.conf
Note: On Android, your device needs to be rooted to restore the service.conf file in the appropriate folder.

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Cloned operating system - ISO

Note: Cloned operating systems with AnyDesk preinstalled have the same ID, which makes it impossible to connect to both of them.

Delete the service.conf on one of these systems and restart AnyDesk to get a new ID. In this way, both machines will have a unique ID.Hence both devices can be connected to. Use this technique to deploy/rollout images of your OS with AnyDesk pre-installed:

  1. Create an OS installation.
  2. Install AnyDesk.
  3. Exit AnyDesk completely.
  4. Delete the service.conf file in %programdata%AnyDesk.
  5. Create the image for rollout/deployment.
Install Installation rights at startup start up admin
AnyDesk prompt to enter credentials for the remote client
Actions Menu with no option to request elevation, indicating that AnyDesk is already installed on the remote client.

AnyDesk provides the option to run as administrator (elevated), which enables the user to control applications that are limited to administrators. AnyDesk automatically runs as administrator when installed. A session to such remote client cannot request elevation since it's already granted and displays this option as disabled in the actions menu. By default, the portable (not installed) version has only standard user rights. A process that requires administrator privileges won't be accessible. (e.g. Windows Task Manager)

Note: Create your own custom client, with Request elevation on Startup option to get administrator privileges on startup for remote sessions.

Actions Menu

Note: When AnyDesk is not installed and has no elevation, the UAC prompt cannot be displayed. AnyDesk will show a warning which needs to be resolved by the remote user.

Anydesk For Windows 10

Use Request elevation from the actions menu during session to request elevation for a portable AnyDesk on the remote client in order to control applications running as administrator. This request requires the confirmation of a UAC dialogue. When confirmed, AnyDesk is elevated on the remote client and thus able to control applications running as administrator. In case the credentials have been submitted to the remote client as shown in the image to the right, the remote client has to confirm this operation. Thus, submitting credentials to the remote side cannot be done unattended.

Note: Elevate AnyDesk to run as administrator won't turn the windows session from standard user to administrator. Every UAC action still requires admin credentials. to avoid UAC prompts with credential requests, log on to Windows as Administrator.

Account Types

Windows has two account types: Administrator and Standard User.

Administrator accountsHave complete control. Users with this type of account can change settings globally, install programs and pass the user account control (UAC) request without credentials.
Standard User accountsHave limited control. Users with this type of account can run but not install applications. Users can change system settings, but only settings that won't affect other accounts. Tasks that require elevations can only be confirmed by providing admin credentials.